Hello, my name is Sudarsan GP
I am an enthusiatic full stack developer, passionate about building products
Feel free to take a look at my latest side projects
Also you can or know more about me through
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side project graph

Side Project Interactive Graph Representation

  • Each node color represents either a side project or technology stack (tech)
  • Link between nodes (project and tech) highlights tech used in project
  • Size of side project node represents complexity of side project
  • Thickness of link indicates depth of skill used in side project
  • Size of tech node represents my skill level
The link between Grocery Deals and Grocery Inventory shows the side projects are related

My Profile

I got my Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering) from National University of Singapore

During univeristy I did internships at Jublia (intern #1 at this startup) and Autodesk in Singapore

Immediately after graduation I enrolled in Android Developer Nanodegree (offered by Udacity)

I believe I am a lifelong learner and I end up signing up for more courses than I can complete

You can learn more through my udacity, codepen, coursera, codeacademy and udemy profiles

My Side Projects after Graduation

Day at Work

Explore what people do at work across industries around the world.

Grocery Inventory

Uses Computer Vision and Deep Learning to detect grocery products through camera.

Grocery Deals

Location based deals discovery platform for small businesses in Singapore

more than 260 unique users from Singapore (320+ including other countries)

grocery deals screenshot

Developer Hireable

To check whether developer is available for hire through Github username

more than 150 unique username searches

developer hireable screenshot

Blinkr Chrome Extension

Chrome extension which reminds you to blink your eye at regular interval.

used by users from 31 countries

blinkr screenshot

Company CEO Quiz

Lets you learn about CEO of companies around the world

company ceo quiz screenshot

Haibt Streak App

Android app to keep track and to continue habit streak

University Projects and Side Projects

Monitoring and Visualization Tool for Apache Storm

Tool to understand custom metrics based on measurement results for Apache Storm

Tutorial on Apache Storm Concepts

A short 7-minute tutorial to understand basic concepts in Apache Storm

Hackatron Asia Card Game

Real-time multiplayer card game with paypal integration

Visual IDE

Web based visual drag-and-drop IDE which lets users easily construct and execute programs

Module Quiz Web Application

Application to stay in touch with concepts learnt during modules